Certificate authentication to Azure stopped work

Gold, Petr 6 Reputation points

Hi guys I found out that all my scripts that use Azure App Registration and Certificate to authenticate stopped work.
I have a App registered in Entra ID with required permissions, certificate is valid. I also have administrator rights on server and global admin in Azure. .NET version is 4.7, OS level Windows Server 2022, Powershell version 5.1 The strangest thing is that when I run the script using the task scheduler it works, the script proves to be authenticated and do the job(Task run with same account like i´m connected to server)

It used to work few weeks ago. But now I´m getting following error message + adding one code example

Get-msaltoken : Could not use the certificate for signing. See inner exception for details. Possible cause: this may be a known issue with apps build against .NET Desktop 4.6 or lower. Either target a higher version of .NET desktop - 4.6.1 and above, or use a different 
certificate type (non-CNG) or sign your own assertion as described at https://aka.ms/msal-net-signed-assertion. 
At xxxxxxxxx - Sending email\Send email with oAuth2.ps1:17 char:14
+ $msalToken = Get-msaltoken @appRegistration -ForceRefresh
+              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : AuthenticationError: (Microsoft.Ident...arameterBuilder:AcquireTokenForClientParameterBuilder) [Write-Error], MsalClientException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetMsalTokenFailureAuthenticationError,Get-MsalToken


Import-module MSAL.PS
# acquire an access token to interact with the app
# we use a certificate from the users personal store
$appRegistration = @{
    TenantId          = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    ClientId          = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    ClientCertificate = Get-item "Cert:\xxxx\xxx\xxxxxxxxx"

$msalToken = Get-msaltoken @appRegistration -ForceRefresh

# request body which contains our message
$requestBody = @{
    "message"         = [PSCustomObject]@{
        "subject"      = "OAuth Mail Sent from PowerShell via App"
        "body"         = [PSCustomObject]@{
            "contentType" = "Text"
            "content"     = "Hello this is a test `n`n Cheers, `n Petr G"
        "toRecipients" = @(
                "emailAddress" = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "address" = "xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xx"
    "saveToSentItems" = "true"

# make the graph request
$request = @{
    "Headers"     = @{Authorization = $msalToken.CreateAuthorizationHeader() }
    "Method"      = "Post"
    "Uri"         = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/xxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxx/sendMail"
    "Body"        = $requestBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
    "ContentType" = "application/json"

Invoke-RestMethod @request

Does any of you have idea what´s going on? Thanks in advance

A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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  1. Derek Vander Linden 0 Reputation points

    I ran into this issue calling the GraphAPI. The problem was that the certificate was generated using CNG rather than RSA. PowerShell 5.1 gave me that error but PowerShell 7 did not. I was able to verify this was the problem by converting the certificate to RSA using the commands below found in this SO article: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22581811/invalid-provider-type-specified-cryptographicexception-when-trying-to-load-pri/34103154#34103154

    After I verified that, I had our admin re-generate the certificate using RSA so I don't have to convert the certificates in the future.

    OpenSSL pkcs12 -in "MYCERT.pfx" -nokeys -out "MYCERT.cer" -passin "pass:password"

    OpenSSL pkcs12 -in "MYCERT.pfx" -nocerts -out "MYCERT.pem" -passin "pass:password" -passout "pass:password"

    OpenSSL rsa -inform PEM -in "MYCERT.pem" -out "MYCERT.rsa" -passin "pass:password" -passout "pass:password"

    OpenSSL pkcs12 -export -in "MYCERT.cer" -inkey "MYCERT.rsa" -out "CONVERTED.pfx" -passin "pass:password" -passout "pass:password"

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